The April 1946 issue of the U.S. Intelligence Bulletin included a report on German V-2 rocket
support vehicles and equipment, which included the following two illustrations. The V-2 launching
battery operated highly-specialized trucks, halftracks, and trailers including the Meillerwagen trailer and the
Brennstand launch platform.
Original Captions:
• After carrying the V-2 to its launching site, the trailer
shown... raised the rocket to vertical for servicing and launching ([top], shows raised
trailer without rocket).
• Original Caption: Once vertical, the V-2 was lowered onto a smaller trailer stand on jacks, then serviced
by 30 vehicles, like those [shown].
Source: "Guided Missiles—The Weapon of the Future," Intelligence Bulletin, April 1946,
Military Intelligence Division, War Department, Washington, D.C.